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CFA / Holistically & Naturally-Reared Underfoot w/Children / Champion & Dearheart Lines {Famous Fancy Feast Cat} / Parents Genetically Tested & Clear
These babies are the sweetest, most loving cuddlebugs you'll find! They adapt to their new homes easily & are just amazing!
Discounted Transport Services Provided by:
Ahava Transport Services
Hand-Delivering Kittens all over the U.S.
{Never by Cargo}
#Available #CFA #Dearheart
#LilAhavaPersians #PersianKittenΒ
#LilAhava #NaturallyRearedKitten #NaturalKittens #NaturallyRaised
#SilverChinchillaPersian #Kitten
#ChinchillaPersian #FancyFeastCat #SweetSilverChinchillaPersianKittens #DollfacePersian #LilAhavaHeavenlyPersians